
programming drums are fun!!

I Just finished making 2 tracks for the upcoming gig. It went pretty quick! because i am learning drums, it is fun to edit drums on computer. When I use a soft drum sampler, since it sounds close to the real drum kit, i feel that i should know how to play the real thing. Now, even when i use Roland TR-626, I feel in that way.

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mix downの前に Before Mixing Down

I will start mixing down from a few songs we have recorded.

Originally, me and my engineer Hiroto would use my own system: Logic Pro, Apogee Ensemble, Big Ben, and Genelec 1030.

But, he is not familier with Logic and is more with his Pro Tools, and besides the productivity, the over all performance should be better. So, he will bring his Pro Tools and Dynaudio BM6A to my room from this weekend to start mixing. "Genelec 1030 sounds good, but it sounds good to many sources, which is hard to hear the difference of the quality of the sound."

It makes sense. I just had a chance to listen to many sources with a head phone he recommend. Each track sounds so different.
This is really pure audio. not everything sounds gorgeous and all sounds fat and hi-def.

Grade A sounds like a grade A and Grade B sounds like Grade B.

but, Grade A does not have the character of Grade B vise versa.

Roland TR-626 has a unique character which other machines do not have.

It's kind of funny to talk about this because what I intent to make tracks are basically hi-def, hi resolution from low to high...

Well, less 2 weeks for my gigi. Usually i am busy to practice singing, playing guitar, and memorizing words. but, at this time, i am more doing recordings and editing since the concept of the show is to use back tracks. I could be busier than any other my gigs in the past... well, it should sound good and fun at the end....

この数週間で何曲か撮ったもののmix downを今週末からやります。

当初は、僕の今のシステム(LOGIC PRO, Apogee Ensemble, Big Ben, Genelec 1030)を使って、


録音の段階で彼がLogicの操作方法がPro Toolsと勝ってが違い、作業がスムーズにいかなかったり、

Pro Toolsならこれが出来た、あれが出来た、そして音質も彼が知っている音なので、総合的にパフォーマンスが上がるだろう、

ということで、僕の部屋に彼の機材が更に来て、Pro Toolsで作業となりそうです。

モニターもDynaudio BM6Aに変更の予定。








ところで、ライブの準備というと、今迄は楽器の練習や、歌詞を覚えることだったんだけれども、今回は練習というより、録音・編集ばかりやってます。バックトラックを多用したライブ、というのがコンセプトなんでね。 なんか、普段より準備が忙しいかも(苦)。それはそうか、独りで何人分もの演奏や打ち込みをやっているからね。。。。


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